Relax, Don’t do it, When you want to just view it, Relax
The Fairy Princess has been watching a lot of Network TV. Mainly because she has a toddler, and as most Parents know, once you have a toddler, you do not get to go out as much as you had before....
View ArticleFresh Outta Bullsh*t
The Fairy Princess eagerly awaited “Up-fronts’ this year like a small child whose dreams of sitting on the lap of a costumed man of girth had not yet been dashed by the commercialization of the holiday...
View ArticleIt’s not the size of the pendulum, it’s the way it swings….
The Fairy Princess is recovering from the joy of seeing that Dallas Summer Musicals has cast the very talented Alan Ariano in the role of The King in their production of Rogers and Hammerstein’s The...
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